Characteristic Curve of p-n junction Diode in a Forward Bias
Characteristic Curve of Zener Diode
Characteristic of Common Emitter n-p-n transistor and find value of current and voltage gain
Determine Focal Length of Concave Mirror with distant object
Determine Focal Length of Convex Lens
Determine Focal Length of Convex Mirror Using Convex Lens
Determine Periodic time ”T” of Pendulum for different length
Determine pH value of Solutions
Determine the Density of objects having Irregular Shape
Determine the Density of objects having Regular Shape
Determine the Internal Resistance of Cell using Potentiometer
Determine the Refractive Index of Glass Slab using Travelling Microscope
Determine the Refractive Index of Prism
Determine the resistance of Galvanometer by Half Deflection method
Explore simple function of Heart and its Valves
Find Acceleration due to gravity ”g” with simple Pendulum
Find Boiling Point of Water
Find Density of given Liquid
Find Figure of Merit of Galvanometer and convert it in to Volt Meter
Find Focal length of Concave lens
Find Focal Length of Concave Mirror
Find Melting Point of Ice
Find the Frequency of AC mains with Sonometer
Find the Resistance of given wire using Wheatstones Bridge
Generate Hydroelectricity – Hydro Power
Generate Magnetic Lines of Force – Magnetic Field
Learn Exothermic-Endothermic chemical reactions
Learn How to use Micrometer Screw Gauge
Learn how to use Vernier Calliper
Magnetic Induction – Explore with Bar Magnet and nails
Observe Reflection of light in Plain Mirror
Ohm’s Law – Find Value of unknown resistor
Plot a Graph between periodic time ”T” and length of Pendulum
Produce Electrical Induction
Series-Parallel connection of unknown resistor – Ohm’s Law
To Compare EMF of two given primary cells using Potentiometer
To Find the Resistance of given wire using Post Office Box
Weight loss of bject in water – Law of Archimedes